8 Most Useless Websites in 2020
If you are bored at work, you will definitely need a break. For this reason we have created a fun list of some useless, pointless and weird websites that will leave you with pain in stomach. So stop wasting your time on facebook or twitter with refreshing the page because it is all same every day.
Enjoy the following list of the most useless websites in 2020 and share it with your friends. Attention: Some of these useless websites are pretty awful but still funny.
- 25/2020 - Dead Body Guy
He is not dead, he just plays it on TV. read more
- 24/2020 - The Uncomfortable
The Uncomfortable is a collection of deliberately inconvenient everyday objects. read more
- 22/2020 - Pick Who Lives - We can not keep them all!
Cesar did it once. He decided whether someone could go on living or not. Decide today who can live on. read more
- 19/2020 - Pixel Me
Fulfill the dream of your own pixel art artwork for your Twitch channel or as an individual emoji read more
- 15/2020 - The Higher Lower Game
What gets Googled more? A frustratingly addictive game of higher or lower using Google searches. read more
- 14/2020 - Smash the Walls
David Hasselhoff once did it on the Berlin Wall with his song Looking for Freadom and tore it down. Here you can destroy walls with just one click. read more
- 13/2020 - MAGIC 8 BALL
Ask the magic ball and get all answers on your questions. read more
- 12/2020 - CoronaVirus Ninja
The world needs a COVID-19 Ninja read more